HTML Basics

HTML Coding Essentials
Exploring an HTML Document
Formatting Content
Displaying images
Using nav, Article And Div Elements
Linking to Pages and downloadable
Creating List
Controlling styling (fonts, colours, and more)
Writing basic scripts
Formatting headings and paragraphs
Creating links to pages
Linking to a PDF or a Google Doc
Inserting your own images into an LMS
Embedding YouTube, Vimeo, and SoundCloud media
Assessment 1


Reviewing CSS syntax
Reviewing simple selectors and attribute selectors
Using pseudo-class selectors and pseudo-element selectors
Reviewing the CSS box model
Adding a menu to your project
Using float, display, and position
Debugging CSS
Resetting stylesheets
Working with background images
Creating flexible and fluid layouts
Working with CSS using web developer tools
Overriding existing CSS
Assessment 2

Java Script

Writing and debugging JavaScript
Working with the DOM
Creating forms with JavaScript, including shopping carts
Using JavaScript to track dates and time
Creating maps with the Google Maps API
Assessment 3

Design Optimization

What is multidevice design?
Creating responsive web apps vs. native apps
Deciding which screen sizes to support
Delivering content across devices
Personalising content
Designing for touch
Using animation on touch devices
Planning your user flow across devices
Assessment 4

Handling Media

Understanding the differences in media formats
Preloading, autoplaying, and looping in HTML5
Setting a video’s width and height attributes
Displaying subtitles and captions
Generating embed code with an embed code builder
Encoding files using HandBrake, Firefogg, and VLC
Creating a load progress bar
Recognizing Android and iOS issues
Assessment 5

Handling Tools

Adobe Illustrator basics
Adobe Photoshop basics
Online themes, Plugins Widgets
WordPress templates
Assessment 6

Networking & Hosting

Networking basics
Server basics
Domain Services
Web Hosting
Website Builder
Security certificates and their implementation – (GoDaddy SSL)
Website Security
Office 365
Assessment 7

Project Work

HTML project
Scripting project
Building website using online tools
Building a responsive website
Hosting a website
Assessment 8


Introduction to Digital Marketing concepts
SEO basics
Basics Of Google AdWords
Optimising The AdWords Account
Content writing skills
Setting up email campaigns using CM / HTML 5
Email marketing using GoDaddy
Assessment 9


Website types & terminologies
Understanding Hosting Market
The Art of Pitching
Product Positioning
Pricing Models
Negotiation techniques
Structuring Sales proposals
Customer Service Concepts
Managing Customer
Automate Routine Tasks
Assessment 10